“After completing the IDM program, I hope to inspire, support, and lead social enterprises that will enable future generations to be agents and champions of sustain- ability in developing nations.”
A designer of products, services, and systems, Huda has a keen interest in user-centric design for solving sustainability and developmental issues. In 2012, she received the Vocational Excellence award from Rotary Bangalore for displaying path-breaking leadership. “Being open minded and eager to learn from and understand every entity surrounding a problem has helped me redefine and expand my role as a designer,” she says. Huda is deeply passionate about building innovative solutions that are socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable. After graduating as a prod- uct and user interface designer from Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology, Huda started as a product designer for SELCO India, and served as a design and sustainability consultant for the Innovation Center for the Poor. As the lead designer and head of urban pover- ty labs and senior management at SELCO Foundation, she is actively involved in design projects across various underserved user segments, providing solutions that span social, technical, and financial innovations.